Lautruphøj 5, 2750 Ballerup, Danmark - Tel: +45 21 73 78 78
100 Stk.
The intended use for the thigh strap 1102 is to securely fixate and position patients on the surgical bed during surgery and under anesthesia.
The thigh strap is placed on top the patient and led under each rail on the sides of the the surgical bed. It is then led back on top of the patient and secured to the loop part of the velcro. The thigh strap must be placed over the middle of the femur, and the thigh strap must be attached and fastened with the Velcro (hook and loop). When placing and tightening the strap,
The medical professional must ensure and take into consideration that sufficient blood circulation to the patient’s lower extremity and knee joint is not overstretched. The maximum amount of pressure applied to the strap when correctly applied and the velcro (hook and loop) cover each other with min 20 cm must not exceed 203 kg. (2000 newton).
The thigh strap is only intended for this use and may not be used for other purposes.
Das Nervensystem
Endokrine Organe
Augen und Augenumgebungen
Ohren, Nase und Kehlkopf
Lippen, Zähne, Kiefer, Mund und Rachen
Herz und große intrathorakale Gefäße
Atemwegsorgane, Thorax, Mediastinum und Zwerchfell
Verdauungsorgane und Milz
Harnwege, männliche Genitalien und retroperitoneales Gewebe
Weibliche Genitalien
Obstetrische Operationen
Muskuloskelettales System
Periphere Gefäße und Lymphsystem
Haut und Unterhaut
Kleinere chirurgische Eingriffe
Endoskopische Untersuchungen durch natürliche und künstliche Körperöffnungen